I'm kind of puzzled here. See, I can see why Wall Street is not real keen on having the Federal Government have some kind of Czalary Czar hand pick how much of our tax dollars can go to the bad boys who nearly brought the financial system to its knees and had to be bailed out by the suckers taxpayers. I mean, those guys really depend on their bonuses to prove to the world the ginormousness of their fiscal manhood. (It's a testosterone thing - they don't seem to let girls play those games for some reason.)
Anyhoo, is it really fair? They didn't get where they are today because they understand prudence or personal limitations, or - and this is a real stretch for them - humility. (I guess that last adjective was doomed the moment W started throwing it around early in his reign of error. But I digress.) It's not like the Masters of the Universe were ever going to let anyone out in the Loserverse do anything useful with that money anyway, like shore up mortgages or create jobs where people actually make stuff. Hey, it's their due, as some famous war criminal said somewhere.
Still, I can't help but wonder....